
100,000 HITS!!

I can't believe that we hit the 100,000 visits mark. You guys are SO amazing.

I just had to give you a special thank you. HOME's a labor of love of course, but without you guys it wouldn't be nearly as fun.

So...from the bottom of my heart. THANK YOU for making this blog such a success.

Your Adoring Fan,



Cindy aka Miss Moose said...


I have been reading this story since you first started writing it. I love it and can't wait to see what happens next. You and Jillian got me addicted to these stories. I love this story and hope that Tessa does not pull away from Jon and she realizes that he is hurting as much as she is.

Thanks for the story.

Miss Moose

Anonymous said...

Back at ya babe! You deserve all the accolades! You're a great escape for all of us and we love your writing! Keep Jon and Tessa alive and keep on writing other stories as well!

Anonymous said...

You do deserve the kudos because its a great story ... but there are also a lot of hits because we are anxiously awaiting more chapters and keep returning to check many times a day.

Anonymous said...

The number of hits are well deserved Tara! Kudos to you sweetie!! You know how addicted I am to this story, and I'm always checking to see if there are updates.

You've got such a lot on your writing plate at the moment, that I'm glad that you think of HOME as a labour of love and keep writing.

Lynn xx

Super_Kiwi said...

That is awesome :) This is a truly wonderful story and I can't wait to see what happens next and what journey they will take.

You're a wonderful picture painter story teller, very visual and always take us right there whether its a scene or deep into their emotions. You do it everytime.

Here's to 100K more ;)

Love the layout.

Anonymous said...

Tara, thats why your story is soooo great. I'm really addicted in the whole Jon and Tessa thing.

Anonymous said...

Tara, your story is the reason why I´m addicted to fanfictions!!!!Found your story after I finished The Layover,and as much as I loved Jilliane´s story, I love Tessa much more. Your writing is awesome!!! I´m looking every day if there´s more and don´t you dare and finish this story any time soon. I´m looking forward to many many new chapters! Btw, its all your fault that my English is so much better now...lol....really, it´s not a joke, ask my teachers :)
I only hope you don´t forget us addicted readers with your new novel you´re writing now....please!!!!

Judith xxx

Scarlett said...

Congrats Tara! I must check your blog 5 times a day looking for new chapters. I absolutely LOVE each and every chapter. Keep 'em coming, and we'll keep reading :-)

alicefayenjbj said...

well lets see, when I am off I check atleast 6 times a day, then posting and then going back to re read what was written before I read the new chapter. I easily made 200 of those hits! LOL maybe more! LOL

Congratulations, may you have 100,000 more!

Murmele said...

I´ve been reading about Jon and Tessa for over 1,5 years now, this story is amazing and worth to have over 100.000 clicks. Please keep on writing!!! Your story and the The Layover are the first ones I´ve ever read and I can´t stop looking for another new chapter daily, sometimes even more than once.....I love it! So thanks to YOU for a wonderful and amazing fanfiction!

Anonymous said...

Congrats Tara! Thank you for sharing your amazing talent! I love this story and am anxious for the next chapter. I am torn though. Not that I'm getting bored with this one but you also got me hooked on The Cabin and hope that does see life again someday soon.

TaraLeigh said...

Well thank you very much girls.
And Michelle---you hit the nail on the head.

These guys have been around for almost 2 years. *wince* I think it might be time to look toward new horizons soon.

I hope you all will stay with me when I move on to a new story.

Anonymous said...

Congrats Tara!! Well deserved. Your writing just keeps getting better & better as does this story. I hope that your dream to become a pushlished writer happens for you sooner rather than later. If your fans here are any indication, you will have a following where ever you venture to. I can honestly say, you are still one of the best writers I've read and I'm sure it's only a matter of time before your dream becomes a reality. Remember to let us know when you get published so we can support you again. Much continued success to you!!


Scarlett said...

Tara, don't tell us its time to move onto new horizons! Keep a'writtin'! There's 100k of us out here waiting for new chapters lol. Congrats again.

Anonymous said...

Congrats Tara.

Your story is a great one!!
Looking forward to more.
Hope you have 100K more hits.

Well deserved for a great writer.


Anonymous said...

Tara...I will follow your writing anywhere!! but that doesn't mean that I am ready to move on from Jon & Tessa!!!

Here's to 100k more hits!!!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations Tara!!

Ya know how I feel about those two and I know I can trust you with them :)

And no, I would not be following any of your other writings after Home is done. It would be more like actively seeking, demnading, begging, groverling for more :D and offering G.G. services as a bribe of course :-p

Congrats again and again. You rock!

PS. Loving the new graphics. Especially the jeans themed one xoxo

Anonymous said...

the last 20 or more hits are mine, because I can't wait the new chapter ;)

Kay said...

Can't say I'm surprised, Tara!

I find myself checking several times a day for updates.

It's a great story!

What's that saying? Oh yeah:

100,000 fans can't be wrong!

TM said...

Gratulation!!!Wen wundert es?So gut wie du Geschichten schreiben kannst...ich wünschte,es würde auch heute noch solche Geschichten geben...

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